We offer you the most exciting, transformational and professional opportunity to participate in an online training with the most renowned teachers and trainers in Constellation work
As long as our Ancestors are still suffering within us, we cannot be truly happy. If we make a step with Awareness, we do this for all the past and future Generations.." Thich Nhat Hahn
Beyond the body, healing encompasses the soul and often we feel the pain of the soul even more intensely than we feel the pain of the body. Ancestral Patterns and soul wounds that block love and the full flow of life's potential can go back many generations, Family Constellations is a way of revealing these usually hidden and unconscious patterns and creating pathways for healing and change. Thro Constellations we understand the human psyche as a multi-generational phenomenon, recent studies in genetics reveal a significant part of our life patterning stems from our genetic inheritance and a far greater range of psychological traits are passed down through the generations than was previously acknowledged. are usually unconscious of the effects unresolved grief; resentment and anger with our families of origin have on current relationships and our sense of wellbeing. When people are hurt in their family of origin (and/or previous relationships) they can carry that hurt and suspicion into the new partnership and so it flows on down through the generations. We bring the old system that didn’t work into the new one, unresolved attachments to the family of origin are a major cause of difficulty in relationships. Understanding basic principles, which if honoured in family systems promote balance, harmony and respect for each member in the family. When participants discover their rightful, dignified place in their family they relax and disengage from painful old patterns. This offers the opportunity to move forward in new ways and leave past issues behind.
About Systemic/Family & Organizational Constellations A brief solution-focused method, revealing the deeper, often hidden and unconscious dynamics in Family Systems and Organizations and what is necessary for resolution. Evolving from psychodynamic, existential and family systems therapy, constellation work is at the leading edge of psychotherapeutic approaches. Bert Hellinger originally discovered the value of using constellations to explore hidden dynamics in relationship systems as well as the embedded laws governing the success of love. It is now practiced in more than 25 countries. (Visit our website for more information on the foundations of this work).
Systemic/Family Constellations can be helpful to:
gain insight into the contextual dimensions of individual problems and recognise the impact of hidden family entanglements
understand the way family loyalties shape client’s symptomatology
work with complex inter-generational family dynamics
Organizational Constellation work is valuable for:
leadership effectiveness, coaching for individual performance
Team effectiveness and Strategy development
restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, decision making
recruitment and marketing
Issues commonly addressed -
Relationship, parenting challenges
Clearing blockages with career and finances
Depression / Anxiety
Understanding the cause of health or weight challenges
Infertility or sexual issues
Divorce or separation
Unresolved entanglements with past relationships/family of origin
Grief and loss
Blended families, and Step Parenting issues
Lack of purpose or direction
The intention is to broaden or change your perspective of a situation, past or present and gain insight and resolution necessary for change and healing. It is an enormously respectful process where little or NO knowledge of the people or events involved is required to be shared with other participants in order for you to get your outcome. It is not about telling the stories of what has happened in our family system it is about seeing the effect the different relationships and events has had on us and how we can instigate the change necessary for our own healing. Whether experienced in a group workshop or an individual session you will gain valuable insight into changing negative patterns of behaviour. Fabulous learning’s around the blocks to harmony in all areas of your life.
Private sessions via ZOOM or in person in a beautifully nurturing setting overlooking the water in Avalon on Sydneys Northern Beaches. Family/ Organisational Constellations are available for individuals, couples or to gain insights for an organisation.